Preben Z has represented Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH since the beginning of the 70's. We therefore have a huge experience and knowledge about what is possible to produce in a vibrator, and just as important, what can't be done with a vibrator.

Vibrators come in many models, but the most common is the rotary vibrator, as shown below. They are also available as trough vibrators with a rectangular working chamber instead of the round one.


We offer at any time to review a specific task to find the right solution for the job.

The process is a wet process that works in a mixture of water and compound. The actual work is done by the grinding chips are placed in the working reservoir with the items.

Whenever planning a vibratory finishing solution you should also consider drying of the parts after machining, as well as water treatment and recycling.


Link to Rösler homepage


The wide range range of combinations and solutions makes counceling incredibly important. Please contact us for more information.